Her kan du læse skolens principper Dokumenter Udannelsesplan 20-21 Shape Created with Sketch. Sorghandleplan Bregnbjergskolen Shape Created with Sketch. Lån af lokaler til klassearrangementer Shape Created with Sketch. Mobilfri skole Shape Created with Sketch. Klassedannelse Shape Created with Sketch. Værdiregelsæt Shape Created with Sketch. Samværsregler Shape Created with Sketch. Cykel- og gåture Shape Created with Sketch. Uddeling af tilbuds og aktivitetsmaterialer Shape Created with Sketch. Skolebestyrelseskontaktforældre og deres arbejde Shape Created with Sketch. Samarbejde mellem skole og hjem om elevernes trivsel og udbytte af undervisningen Shape Created with Sketch. Forældreråd og deres arbejde Shape Created with Sketch. Princip for trivselhandleplan_0.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Princip for kost_0.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Trafikpolitik Bregnbjergskolen.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Princip for lejrskoleophold_0.pdf Shape Created with Sketch.